March 17, 2007

A Colonial Gentleman From Guatemala

Vestíase a las seis de la mañana,
iba a misa, tomaba chocolate,
asomábase un rato a la ventana,
rezaba el Pueri Dominum laudate,
sentábase a comer con buena gana,
fumaba su cigarro por remate,
dormía siesta, y cuando no dormía
la cabeza sin falta le dolía.

Por la tarde a Nuestro Amo visitaba
después del chocolate de ordenanza,
y como la mañana, se pasaba
todo el resto rascándose la panza.
He got dressed at six in the morning,
Went to mass, drank chocolate,
Looked out the window for a while
Prayed the "Praises Be",
Sat down to eat with a good appetite,
Smoked one for dessert,
Took a nap, and when he couldn't sleep
Invariably his head ached.

In the afternoon Our Master went visiting
After his wake-up chocolate,
And as in the morning, the rest
Of the day he spent scratching his belly.

--José Batres Montúfar

Source: Popul Vuh Museum.

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